Rants, thoughts, musings, free associations, etc.. Our self-involvement on full display for your amusement.

January 23, 2013

ALL ANSWERS MUST BE IN THE FORM OF A QUESTION ----------- Garbage Pale Kids? Parsley, Sage, Road-Rash & Thyme? Ricotta? Cosmonaut version of crab salad in paste form? Dumpster magic? The shame of buying into this whole "Mc Rib" nonsense made manifest? Mr. Magoo? Hash-browns without proper guidance? Yogurt with war crime at the bottom? Baconnaise? The still beating heart of any given GOP lawmaker? Do GOP lawmakers even have hearts? MANWICH - day 73 - a nation held hostage? Some bul**hit about some as**ole who drives a truck over ice, owns a pawn shop, or preys on foreclosed storage units pretending it's educational on a channel that pretends to be educational? When you just can't stop scratching? What lurks on the other side of a glass eye? That day you found out Charles Lindbergh was actually a Nazi sympathizer and that’s the real reason your grandpa admires him? ------------ WHAT WAS THE QUESTION?

Dan Klink